

Lilanos (Common Pets)

[Development art]

Lilanos are wee creatures with thick fur that acts as a substrate for plants. They often choose their favorite berries to plant on themselves. When threatened, they freeze to blend in with its surrounding environment. Its name is derived from the Skarajin words "lila" meaning little and "ngos" meaning earth.


Dagalo (Common Pets)

[Development art]

This buoyant critter is often seen rolling around beaches. It loves to swim and play with other creatures. Its name is derived from the Skarajin word "dago" meaning water and the dimunitive "lo".


Okalnaka (Common Pets)

[Development art]

Okalnaka are fierce beings that uses its firemaking ability to hunt small prey. Historically, Skarajin have utilized them as pest control. Its name is a diminutization of Skarajin word for fire "akal" combined with the word for veil "naka".


Talalun (Common Pets)

[Development art]

Talalun are flying serpentine animals known for its distinctive chatter and agility in flight. They are often employed as mail carriers. Its name is derived from the Skarajin word "tala" meaning speak and the word "lun" meaning air.

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