Skarajin Species Overview

Skarajin are a djinn-like species of humanoids that can summon magical scythes to cut between dimensions. Though Skarajin can wield powerful magic, they typically only use it to travel and grant the wishes of humans that summon them.

This is Puck. You’ll be seeing him a lot

Physical Anatomy

All Skarajin have a blade-like horn, floppy ears, a mane, animal legs, and a thick, dragon-like tail. They have distinctive metallic parts called Binds and Bridles that limit their magical capabilities and bind them to wish contracts.

A Skarajin's soul and magic are tied to an object known as a Lantern. On the body, it presents as a glowing orb, usually embedded in the neck area. When a Skarajin comes of age, they forge a decorative Filigree for their Lantern.

Skarajin skin tends to look very human-like, while their hair and fur can be any mix of colors. A Skarajin's Horn, Binds, and Bridles are typically made of the same metal or material, collectively referred to as Materia.

Veils are also a distinctive trait of Skarajin. This magical Veil blends them seamlessly into any crowd of humans when in the mortal dimension, though most Skarajin cannot control how they would appear through it. Veils can cover the entire head, or just the eyes (at minimum). They are often sheer or translucent, but also may be made of opaque material. Some Skarajin may choose to wear their veils at all times, while some only summon their veils when travelling to the mortal dimension.

Typical elemental acolyte/pupil garb, the fashion is considered very formal

(Veil variations needed)


Life Cycle

Skarajin are either born from Skarajin parents or created from a wish. Typically, child-rearing is a collective responsibility of the community a Skarajin is born in, since births are relatively rare. The typical lifespan of a Skara ranges from 100 to 150 years, though it is possible for them to live longer if they figure out how to unbind themselves from their contracts.

(Skarajin family illustration - multigenerational, plus some friends and pets)

The life cycle of a Skarajin goes as follows:

  • Lamp - A baby Skarajin is born! They are absolutely tiny and can fit in a hand. Their Lantern is located centrally in their semi-transparent, cell-like body.
  • Kit - Skarajin are very curious about the world around them at this age and quickly acquire language. Kits can stand and walk for short periods of time, but still prefer to run on all fours.
  • Teen - At this awkward, in-between age, Skarajin are fully bipedal and become more independent from their caretakers. They begin to “grow out” of their fur, becoming more humanoid. Most of their Binds have grown in and many take the opportunity to begin perfecting their magic. Some are able to summon their scythes from their horn, though rather clumsily.
  • Adult - A Skarajin completely matures at around 21 years of age, with all Binds and Bridles grown in. Their sharp horn is now fully exposed, having first broken through skin at around 18 years. At this point, they have lost their baby fluff, become more human-looking, and most are comfortable with their scythe magic. Upon reaching adulthood and approval from their elders, a Skara will forge a crescent-shaped Filigree to decorate their Lantern, signifying their growth.

For the purposes of the ARPG: Lamps, Kits, and Teens are all considered as the Kitjin subtype to easily differentiate them from adults.

Alt Forms



Item: None (inherent)
A baby Skarajin, stuck in its Kaninjin form. They may be depicted at any stage before adulthood. At this stage, their horn is only a little bump and their Materia is usually not visible. They are typically 3 colors at most, and any markings are undefined and blobby.

(Teen depiction needed)

Kaninjin Form

Item: None (inherent)
An adult Skarajin can transform at will into a small, rabbit-like creature. An adult Kaninjin form will have the same traits as an adult Skarajin—most notably, their Filigree, Horn, and skin exposed on the face. It its important to note that while all Kitjin are in their Kaninjin form, not all Kaninjin are Kitjin.

They may be stylized in different ways and in different proportions, as long as all required traits are present.

In this form, Skarajin use their scythe horn to slice through dimensions.

Mortal Disguise

(Depiction needed. Literally just some guys)

Item: Mortal Mirror [TBA]
Some Skarajin need a more specific disguise is needed when traversing the Earth. A Mortal Disguise usually takes the form of a Human, serpent, scorpion, or any other Earthen species.

Unleashed Form

(Depiction needed. Silhouettes only)

Item: Liberating Wish [TBA]
Skarajin variant without their Binds or Bridles suppressing their true powers. They are often much larger and may appear beast-like or deity-like. There are no limitations or guidelines of traits on an Unleashed Skarajin, but it should clearly be a different form and not an "augmented" form.